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PTO By Laws


Of the



ArticleI: NAME

Thename of this organization shall be the North Elementary School Parent-

Teacher Organization ofNoblesville, Indiana. Hereinafter referred to as “Organization”.




a.         Theobjectives of this Organization shall be the unified effort of parents andteachers.

b.         To promote the welfare of our childrenin home, school, and community.

c.         Tofoster relationships between the parents, school, and teachers in the trainingof the child.

d.         To contribute to the highest possiblestandards of the home and of the school.

e.         To share the responsibility for helpingstudents gain knowledge by fostering trust,

self-esteem, and mutual respect in the pursuit ofproductive citizenship.




Section1:        The purpose of this Organizationshall be to support the educational

process at North Elementary School.


Section2:        This unit shall benon-commercial, non-sectarian, and non-partisan.


A.        SaidOrganization is organized exclusively for charitable, educational,

religious, or scientific purposes under section501(c )(3) of the Internal

Revenue Code.

B.         Nopart of the net earnings of the Organization shall inure to the

benefit of, or be distributed to members,trustees, officers, or other

private persons, except that the Organizationshall be authorized and

empowered to pay reasonable compensation forservices rendered

and to make payments and distributions infurtherance of the

purposes set forth hereof.

C.         Nosubstantial part of the activities of the Organization shall be the

carrying on of propaganda, or otherwiseattempting to influence

legislation, and the Organization shall notparticipate in, or intervene,

in any political campaign on behalf of anycandidate for public office.

D.         Notwithstandingany other provision of these particles, the

Organization shall not carry on any otheractivities not permitted to be

carried on by an organization exempt from Federalincome tax under

section 501(c )(3) of the Internal Revenue Codeor by an organization

contributions to which are deductible undersection 170 (c) (2) of the

Internal Revenue Code.

E.         Upondissolution of the Organization, the officers shall, after paying or

making provision for the payment of all theliabilities of the

association, dispose of the remaining assets ofthe Organization to

such organizations organized and operatedexclusively for charitable,

educational, religious, or scientific purposeswhich, at the time, qualify

as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3)of the Internal

Revenue Code.


Section3:        This Organization may not seekto direct the administrative activities of

the school nor seek to control its policies.


Section4:        This Organization may cooperatewith other organizations and agencies

active in promoting child welfare, such ascoordinating councils.


Section5:        This Organization shall provideongoing communication with the

Noblesville Schools Community Advisory Council.




Section1:        All parents, guardians,interested patrons of North Elementary

School students, all North Elementary Schoolteachers and staff,

and all North Elementary School administratorsshall be

considered members of this Organization.


Section2:        No dues shall be assessed formembership.


Section3:        Members in leadership and/orstudent supervisory positions (for example,

but not limited to, officers, executive committeeand committee chairs,

etc.) are required to comply with the NoblesvilleSchools volunteer policy.




Section1:        Regular meetings of thisOrganization shall be held on a monthly basis

with the Principal and in-coming Presidentsetting the dates.


Section2:        The regular meeting in May shallbe known as the Annual Meeting and

shall be for the purpose of:   


A.        ElectingOfficers,

B.         Reviewingthe Organization’s budget, and

C.         Conductingany other business that may arise.


Section3:        Notice of regular meetings willbe publicized. Notice of regular meetings

may be published in the Principal’s newsletter,and each PTO monthly meeting agenda and minutes.


Section4:        Special meetings may be heldupon the call of the President. Notice of a

special meeting shall be given at least five (5)days in advance.


Section5:        All regular meetings of theOrganization shall be open to the public.


Section6:        The privilege of making motions,seconding motions, speaking, debating,

and voting shall be limited to members of theOrganization.

Section7:        A majority of the memberspresent at regular meetings shall constitute a





Section1:        There shall be four (4) electedofficers of the Organization: President,

Vice-President, Recording Secretary and Treasurer.In any given year, the officers may be temporarily expanded to include additionalofficers to meet the goals and/or objectives of the Organization.


Section 2:        Theterm of the office for the President and Vice-President shall be one year. Theterm shall commence at the end of the last meeting of the school year. Anofficer shall serve a maximum of 2 consecutive terms in the same office.


Section 3:        Theoffices of Secretary, and Treasurer are re-electable and may hold forsuccessive terms.


Section 4:        Officersmust be a parent or guardian of a student enrolled at North Elementary School.


Section5:        Nomember shall hold more than one office at a time.




Section1:        Each year nominations will beaccepted for the offices of President, Vice-

President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Due noticeof the nomination process must be published in the school newsletter and/or aPTO document sent home with all students.


Section2:        The Nominating Committee shall


A.        Solicitfrom the PTO membership names of those who wish to serve

as officers.

B.         Slateone name for each office.

C.         Inthe case of President, the current Vice-President’s name shall be

slated. If the current Vice-President is unableto be nominated, then

the candidate for President shall be currentlyserving a term as an

officer or committee chair.

D.         Inthe even that no committee chair or officer is willing to accept the nominationthen the Principal and current President shall present to the ExecutiveCommittee possible candidates.


Section3:        In all cases, those nominatedmust have indicated a willingness to serve.


Section4:        Only members of the Organizationwho are present at the Organization

election meeting may vote for the candidate forthese offices.


Section5:        If the office of President isvacated, the Vice-President shall succeed

him/her. If the office of any other Officer isvacated before the end of the

one-year term, the Executive Committee (SeeArticle VIII) shall report at the next regular meeting the name of a candidateto fill the vacated office. A vote of the members of the Organization presentat the meeting will take place, due notice of such election having been given.


Section6:        The Vice-President shall appointchairpersons to the various committees

with the approval of the Executive Committee. Thelist of chairpersons will

then be presented to the Organization.


Section7:        Any office, committee position,or representative position may be vacated

by resignation, death, or removal. Any officer,committee member, or

representative may be removed for “just cause” bymembers of the

Executive Committee. In the unlikely event suchaction is warranted, all

Executive Committee members must be representedin person or by

proxy. There must be a two-thirds majority vote,in the affirmative, of the

Executive Committee for such removal to takeplace.




Section1:        The President shall serve aschairperson of the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee shall consist of thePresident, Vice-President,

Secretary, Treasurer, two (2) Members-at-Large, Principalof the school, and a minimum of two (2) / maximum of three (3) faculty members.


Section2:        The Principal shall appoint aminimum of two (2) / maximum of three (3)

faculty members to the Executive Committee, withthe approval of the

faculty of North Elementary School. The Principalwill also appoint

the two (2) Members-At-Large.


Section3:        The duties of the ExecutiveCommittee shall be to transact necessary

business in the intervals between Organizationmeetings and such other

business as may be referred to it by theOrganization. These meetings

shall be closed session. The Executive Committeemust then report said

business at the next regular Organizationmeeting.


Section4:        Emergency expenditures may beadministered with the consent of the

President, Treasurer, Principal, and two (2)other Executive Committee

members, inclusively, subject to availability offunds.


Section5:        The Executive Committee shall:


A.        Prepareand submit the new year’s proposed budget to the


B.         Monitorthe budget.

C.         Reviewthe Treasurer’s monthly report (which shall include a Balance

Sheet and Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual)for approval.

D.         Reviewwritten grant requests.

E.         Considerfor approval written grant requests not previously budgeted

that are within the constraints of availablefunds and meet the

objectives of the Organization, approve or denysuch requests, and

present approved grant requests to theOrganization at the next



Section7:        Meetings of the ExecutiveCommittee shall be held at the call of any

member of the Executive Committee. A member orthe Executive

Committee unable to attend a meeting may appointanother member of

the Organization as proxy.


Section8:        A majority of the ExecutiveCommittee members present, and/or by

proxy, constitutes a quorum.




Section1:        The President shall


A.        Presideat all meetings of the Organization and all Executive

Committee meetings.

B.         Serveas official spokesperson for the Organization.

C.         Coordinatework of the officers and committees in accordance with

PTO objectives.

D.         Preparea calendar of PTO meetings and functions to be made

available to the membership.

E.         Collectyear-end reports and job descriptions and give it to the

incoming President by the last PTO meeting of theschool year.

F.         Shallprepare and make available a written agenda for each meeting.

G.        Appointand oversee committee chairmen for all standing committees.


Section2:        The Vice-President(President-Elect) shall


A.        Presideat meetings in the absence of the President.

B.         Recruitand encourage parent participation as PTO volunteers.

C.         Assistthe President in any and all ways.

D.         Chairan appointment committee to review the By-Laws once every

two years.

E.         Actas Chair of the Nominating Committee.

G.        Oversees2 major fundraising committees (Fun Run and Carnival).


Section3:        The Recording Secretary shall


A.        Keepaccurate minutes of Organization and Executive Committee


B.         Keepaccurate attendance records.

C.         Haveavailable at each meeting: agenda, minutes, and current bylaws.

D.         Theminutes shall be posted to the PTO website.

E.         Maintaina current list of officers and committee chairmen and have

copies available as necessary.


Section4:        The Treasurer shall


A.        Receiveall monies and maintain an accurate record of the receipts

and expenditures.

B.         Disburseall funds non-payment of budgeted expenditures as

authorized by PTO membership.

C.         Maintainbank accounts as directed by the Organization and keep

records thereof.

D.         Be responsible for preparation of anannual budget in coordination

with the Executive Committee.

a.         Thispreliminary budget shall be submitted at the first meeting

of the new school year.

b.         Thisbudget shall state that the amount of cash to be carried

from one year to the n            ext.

E.         Providefor audit of the books and make report of it.

F.         Haveavailable at all meetings copies of a written report, including

receipts, expenditures, balances, and a budgetupdate.

G.        TheTreasure’s accounts shall be subject to a financial review within

thirty (30) days after the close of the schoolyear by the Principal,

President, Vice-President, and Treasurer for theyear being reviewed.

H.         TheTreasurer shall engage a CPA (or other person proficient in the

preparation of not-for-profit tax forms) toprepare Form 990, IT-20NP,

and related Schedules which are due November 15th.




Section1:        The Executive Committee may formcommittees as needed to serve the

Organization’s objectives. The Vice Presidentshall appoint the

chairpersons of such committees.


Section2:        The chairpersons of suchcommittees shall work within the approved

budget and parameters of his/her committee. Anydeviations in excess of

the approved budget or from previous year’soperations must first be

approved by the Executive Committee. It is theresponsibility of the

chairperson to complete the committee report anddeposit summary, if



Section3:        Each year the school Principalshall appoint one (1) parent/guardian of a

North Elementary student to serve as a CommunityAdvisory

Council (CAC) representative for two (2) yearrotating term to represent

the Organization at the CAC meetings and reportback to the



Section4:        Nominating Committee


A.        Shallconsist of the Vice-President and four other PTO members as

appointed by the President.

B.         Theduties of the Nominating Committee are described in Article VII,

Section 2.




Robert’sRules of Order, Revised shall govern this Organization in all cases towhich

they are applicable and inwhich they are not inconsistent with the By-Laws.




TheExecutive Committee may review and revise these By-Laws. These By-Laws may

be amended at any regularmeeting of the Organization by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the

members present andvoting, provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given at

the previous regularmeeting.




The School Board supportsall organizations of parents whose objectives are to promote

the educationalexperiences of Noblesville Schools’ students. Therefore, the Board relies

upon approvedorganizations such as North Elementary PTO to operate in a

manner consistent withpublic expectations for the schools which do not violate the

bounds of community taste.

{Please refer to the boardof School Trustees Noblesville Schools Policy—Relations—

9210 entitled ParentOrganizations.}

As a parent orrepresentative of North Elementary School, you are requested to

follow the expectationsstated in the above policy. Anyone who does not abide by these

standards may face removalfrom any school function or special event.

All parents are encouragedto play an active role in their child’s education. Parents,

teachers, and studentsworking together will help make the school year enjoyable for
