North Elementary PTO
You may be asking yourself, “What’s the PTO?” PTO stands for Parent-Teacher Organization. We are a group for everyone who has children they care about at North. Guess what? By having a child at North, you are automatically a member! That means parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, anyone who loves a North student can participate. We would like to welcome you to North’s group. We would also like to encourage you to attend some meetings, learn what is going on at school, and get involved. PTO meets the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm in the North Media Center. We know that sometimes it can be a tricky to make time in your schedule, so we have free babysitting available during the meetings!
What does the PTO do anyway?
The PTO helps to fill the gap between the resources available and the needs of the school. The PTO helps fund field trips, guest speakers, other special learning opportunities for the students. We show appreciation to the teachers and staff; we are involved in the community, and sometimes fund the purchase of special materials or staff training. We also sponsor a lot of fun things such as the ice cream social, movie nights, room parties and the crazy carnival!
How can you help?
For some, helping may be in the classrooms, for others it may be getting involved with Cub Scouts or Girl Scouts. Maybe you’d like to help, but don’t know where your talents can be used. Maybe you are great at following directions, but you don’t want to be in charge of anything. Maybe you are a born leader, just waiting for the chance. Maybe you don’t want to be around a big group of kids, but are great with numbers. Maybe you just want your opinion to count. Maybe you are so busy or overwhelmed at this time of year that you can’t figure out what we’re talking about! If you have questions or don’t know where you fit at North please come to a PTO meeting and see what we have to offer!
We all have children at North. Some of us have been involved with the PTO for a few years. Some of us are involved in PTO for the 1st time. We have all been new parents at North, and we appreciate that it can seem a bit overwhelming. We once didn’t know what most of the committees were for, or who to share our ideas with. This year we want every parent at North to find a place where they can express their concerns or ideas and make a difference at our school. Come be new to the PTO with us!
North Elementary School PTO Officers:
Heather Hauke, President
Stephanie Laskey, Vice President
Ashley Foster, Treasurer
Jessa Wyatt, Secretary
Like us on Facebook at: North Elementary School PTO